4 months ago (yes, it's been that long) I won two giveaways from The Soap Corner (TSC). If you don't know TSC - it's an Indonesian brand specialised in natural & homemade body products such as bar soap, liquid soap, body oil, lip scrub, and many more. The first giveaway: to guess the new product TSC was about to launch and I got it right. I won a body oil. The second giveaway: name the new product, TSC picked a word I suggested. I won another body oil plus a travel set soap.
I thought I can only pick one gift (either from the first or the second giveaway), but no TSC was really nice and let me have both. The reason why I postponed this review for months besides procrastination is because since the products are in travel size, I was waiting for me to travel. I'm trying not to splurge them by using them when I'm at home. If I did that, they would be finished in less than a month.
Dazzling Me Up - Body Oil
One of the thing that makes TSC special is that you can choose your own scent. And believe me, they have a LOT to choose from. Since I've never used any of their products before, I didn't know what scent to get. I told them to just get me the best seller ones (I chose floral because I'm not a big fan of sweet scent). I got the scent 'Jasmine' and 'Butterfly Kisses'. I don't know what butterfly kisses smell like, well, it's floral but I'm not sure of what.
Moisturising wise, it is very moisturising. I used it at night, and in the morning my skin doesn't feel dry. And you don't need a lot of product to cover your whole body. The only problem I have would be since it's body oil, it takes more time to absorb than body lotion/butter. Make sure it absorbed to your skin completely before going to bed. I once used the body oil and went to sleep straight away, not giving it time to absorb to my skin. The next morning I found stains from the oil on my bed sheet.
Head to Toe - Best Friend Soap
If you're the kind of person who needs to smell good after you shower, you wouldn't like this one. It kind of smells weird since it's made from natural ingredients without fragrance added. I personally don't like the scent. However, once it's rinsed it wouldn't leave a smell on your body.
Just like its name, this soap can be used from head to toe. Meaning it can be used to clean your hair, your face, any part of your body. That's what I love about this soap. The colour of the shower gel itself is unappealing.
Your Signature - Luxury Body Liquid Soap
I love this one the most. I think the reason why its named 'Your Signature' is because you can choose your own scent. You can use essential oil or fragrance oil (not sure if it's fragrance oil or fragrance something...). I got the scent butterfly kisses.
Castile - Liquid Soap
This soap contains more than 70% olive oil. If you have dry skin, I recommend this. I'm not sure whether you can choose your own scent or not. I used it when I was in a cold area and after I went diving. It makes my skin less dry. And if you compare it to other soaps you can actually feel how moisturising this soap is.
Castile smells weird as it is made mostly out of olive oil. It's like putting olive oil on your body. Personally, I don't mind it. Again if you are the kind of person who needs to smell good, you wouldn't like this product unscented. Maybe, you can get it scented.
Brush - Best Friend Soap
I've been searching a soap to clean my brush, and I almost bought it. Luckily I got this for free. I love the scent. You can smell a hint of citrus. Rather than pour the soap in a bowl of water and put the brushes in, I prefer to put a small amount of soap on my hand, and clean my brush in circular motion one by one. I find it more effective and cleaner. If you're interested to see the result, I posted a picture on my Instagram the before and after photo. It is quite pricey.
Additional note on Head to Toe, Your Signature, and Castile:
- Since the soap is natural, it won't create a lot of bubbles and it will be very easy to rinse
- Come by at TSC booth, because they have a wide variety of scents to choose from
I thought I can only pick one gift (either from the first or the second giveaway), but no TSC was really nice and let me have both. The reason why I postponed this review for months besides procrastination is because since the products are in travel size, I was waiting for me to travel. I'm trying not to splurge them by using them when I'm at home. If I did that, they would be finished in less than a month.
Dazzling Me Up - Body Oil
One of the thing that makes TSC special is that you can choose your own scent. And believe me, they have a LOT to choose from. Since I've never used any of their products before, I didn't know what scent to get. I told them to just get me the best seller ones (I chose floral because I'm not a big fan of sweet scent). I got the scent 'Jasmine' and 'Butterfly Kisses'. I don't know what butterfly kisses smell like, well, it's floral but I'm not sure of what.
Moisturising wise, it is very moisturising. I used it at night, and in the morning my skin doesn't feel dry. And you don't need a lot of product to cover your whole body. The only problem I have would be since it's body oil, it takes more time to absorb than body lotion/butter. Make sure it absorbed to your skin completely before going to bed. I once used the body oil and went to sleep straight away, not giving it time to absorb to my skin. The next morning I found stains from the oil on my bed sheet.
Head to Toe - Best Friend Soap
If you're the kind of person who needs to smell good after you shower, you wouldn't like this one. It kind of smells weird since it's made from natural ingredients without fragrance added. I personally don't like the scent. However, once it's rinsed it wouldn't leave a smell on your body.
Just like its name, this soap can be used from head to toe. Meaning it can be used to clean your hair, your face, any part of your body. That's what I love about this soap. The colour of the shower gel itself is unappealing.
Your Signature - Luxury Body Liquid Soap
I love this one the most. I think the reason why its named 'Your Signature' is because you can choose your own scent. You can use essential oil or fragrance oil (not sure if it's fragrance oil or fragrance something...). I got the scent butterfly kisses.
Castile - Liquid Soap
Castile smells weird as it is made mostly out of olive oil. It's like putting olive oil on your body. Personally, I don't mind it. Again if you are the kind of person who needs to smell good, you wouldn't like this product unscented. Maybe, you can get it scented.
Brush - Best Friend Soap
I've been searching a soap to clean my brush, and I almost bought it. Luckily I got this for free. I love the scent. You can smell a hint of citrus. Rather than pour the soap in a bowl of water and put the brushes in, I prefer to put a small amount of soap on my hand, and clean my brush in circular motion one by one. I find it more effective and cleaner. If you're interested to see the result, I posted a picture on my Instagram the before and after photo. It is quite pricey.
Additional note on Head to Toe, Your Signature, and Castile:
- Since the soap is natural, it won't create a lot of bubbles and it will be very easy to rinse
- Come by at TSC booth, because they have a wide variety of scents to choose from
Thanks for reading, hope this post is helpful in some ways