"I don't like Cheetos" pfft said no one ever. This is the first time I've ever tried this variant. I love Cheetos in all shapes and sizes. It started back when I was in grade 8. My dad used to work in the Philippines & I would go there on holidays, and that was when I tasted magic for the first time. It was love at first sight. I could eat Cheetos crunchy by myself in half an hour or sometimes I would eat it slowly, enjoying our moment together. I'm obsessed, I know. Indonesian Cheetos kind of sucks. I still eat it sometimes, it's just not the same quality. Indonesian Cheetos is too airy for my liking, good thing is it has other flavours other than cheese. However, the quality is far below the American Cheetos. I'm racist towards Cheetos. Cheetos mix ups contains 4 flavours: Cheddar - it's basically Cheetos crunchy Double cheddar - it's basically Cheetos puffs with a little bit more cheese Nacho cheese - this would be my favourite. I...