Lebaran is coming!!!!! I wonder how much money I'll get from my parents and my brothers.. But I'm sure my brothers wont give money.. Lebaran.. Last year a little bit different from the other lebaran I've ever had.. I spent my lebaran time in Manila with my family.. But the other years before that,, i spent my lebaran in my Grandma's house...... The WHOLE family. We pray together, and eat. Scoop scoop (???).. And my family gave me (not just me,, my cousin too) lebaran money. So last year, I thought I'll get less money because the one who gave me money only my parents. But it's OK.. My father gave me lotzz of money.. By the way,, let's change topic.. I want to write about lebaran not about the money I've got. Stop talking bout money!! It makes me hungry (???).. Talking bout lebaran,, usually @ lebaran we go to our neighbor, cousin, friends, family, ANYONE you want, ANYONE's house to say sorry blablabla.. Oh,, @ lebaran usually we make cakes.. Some people make it and some people buy it because they don't know how to make it. You know what,, I'm eating candy right now.. This is not important anyway. The candy thingy. I just want to write it. Talking bout foods,, in lebaran,, usually we (WE??) made opor ayam, ketupat, kue lebaran, sometimes lontong. Hahahahahahahaahahaha.. I'm happy right now. OK?? Bye!!
I recently fell in love with The Balm's products especially their liquid lipstick, Meet Matte Hughes. Quick review, it's one of the best liquid lipsticks out there. I love liquid lipsticks that have mousse-y texture and doesn't suck the moisture out of my lips. Although it doesn't last as long as some liquid lipsticks I own, it's very comfortable on the lips. The only problem I have is that a lot of online shops sell fake products and claim it as original products. Me being reckless, I fell in the trap and got myself a fake lipstick. This writing is meant to show the difference between the fake and the real Meet Matte Hughes, and to share some tips based on personal experience on how to avoid getting fake products. During the holiday I purchased The Balm Committed in an online shop on Instagram (IG: cathydolla now seoulshopping - this online shop changed their name 3 times since I purchased the fake lipstick ). I've been eyeing on Committed and Adoring and dec...