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Showing posts from March, 2010

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so next week will be term 3 test. I don't know whether I will past or not. term 1 and term 2 I got really really bad scores. I wish I'm not that kind of person that got bad scores and just ignoring it. OH that's so me. I think my score is improving. I think. There will be too much pressure. The pressure is getting to me. Like now, I'm listening too music while writing stuff here instead of studying. what a wonderful me! I wish I could feel guilty and uncomfortable if I'm not studying in one day just like the feeling when I didn't take a shower for a day. oh smart people lets trade brains only for a week and you can get it back after the term 3 test. being a sec 3 student is too much pressure. too many subjects. I wanna be in sec 4 so I could take business and the test won't be too much. I'm confused...should I take biology or accounting? I think I should take accounting. I wanna walk through business path anyway. ah,life is getting harder when you grow o