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Showing posts from February, 2011
In IT class right now. The teacher is busy with Sophia. I haven't posted something here for more than 2 months :O I made a new post though, about my dream :D Since the teacher is busy with Sophia only, we're like opening stuff other than microsoft excel in the internet. Like me... Don't know what to write. I'm doing IGCSE paper about excel. So hard. Harder than chemistry. IT class has end. Ciao!


Last night I had the best dream ever...well, at least for now. So, every day I set my alarm clock to 4,5,5.30,6,6.10,and 6.20. I remember I was in PSKD Mandiri. I was wearing Hope International School uniform, but it felt like my school is in PSKD Mandiri. Someone from lower grade said hi to me and said "eh itu alliyya udah masuk" I forgot her face, but I've seen her face before. I was in grade 10. There were no tables in the center. All tables were on...idk, somewhere out there. Me and grade 10 friends were sitting in the form of circle. There was a little boy. He was Asian, but tan. He was probably a Filipino. I remember he sang "Che Bellamore" In the middle of the song, I sang too. I didn't know the lyrics though. I just sang with my eyes closed. I think I woke up after that. This was the best part! CRISTIAN IMPARATO came to grade 10. We were standing near the door. He came in without glasses, he wore like a sweater, red and other colors. I immediately hu...